- Guarding premises against unauthorised access or occupation, against outbreaks of disorder or against damage;
- Guarding property against destruction or damage, against being stolen or against being otherwise dishonestly taken or obtained;
- Guarding one or more individuals against assault or against injuries that might be suffered in consequence of the unlawful conduct of others.
- Performing gatehouse duties which include monitoring and controlling access to the premise, for what purpose they are there and ensuring they go to the correct place they need to go within the premise.

The above also includes providing a physical presence to ensure that members of the public are aware that security is present to ensure that any potentially unwanted person would be deterred from coming to the site and reduce the risk of any acts of vandalism and break ins. This is also aided and achieved by conducting patrols at regular intervals within both the inside and outside of the premise.
Vacant properties can be easily subjected to vandalism, squatters, fire and theft. Our bespoke Void Property Inspections are designed with your individual needs in mind.
Did you know many insurance companies require empty properties to be inspected on a regular basis?
Control the protection of your vacant property by choosing frequency of inspections, specificity of checks and any other aspects concerning you.
Inspections can be conducted for single or multiple sites with a full detailed report sent to your inbox once the job has been complete.
To find out more about our void property inspection services, fill out the contact form or click the call button on this page.